Lesson 12


1. One day soon, Christ is coming for His saints. Who are they?

Psalms 50:5. Those that make a covenant by ___.


2. The old man Abraham is an example in sacrifice. What difficult command did God gave him?

Genesis 22:2. Take thine ___ Isaac whom thou ___ and offer him as a ___ offering upon a mountain.

3. How important was this child to Abraham?

Genesis 22:2. He was his only son. Genesis 12:2,3. He was to be father of a great ___ and through him. Jesus would be born. How then could God ask him for such a sacrifice?

4. Day by day, night by night God has been calling you to sacrifice sinful habits, worldly pleasures, Sunday worship, immoral relationships. Are you willing to make a sacrifice?

He has been inviting you to accept the grace of Jesus, the law of Jesus and the baptism of Jesus. What is your choice

5. The old man woke his son but did not explain the sacrifice. He left home without telling his wife, lest she should try to prevent him

Genesis 22:4. On the ___ day, they reached Mount Moriah, for two days Abraham battled with that decision. For two nights he cried in earnest prayer. Then his son asked the question. Genesis 22:7. Here is fire and wood, but where is the ___?


6. When at least the old man explained the sacrifice to the young man, what was the youth's response?

Genesis 22:9. Abraham ___ Isaac and laid him on the altar. Abraham was 120 years old and Isaac 20 years of age. The father could have bound the son only because the son was willing to be bound! Here was a youth facing a great future, awaiting his father's wealth, preparing for marriage. Suddenly he was asked to sacrifice his life! But he made a willing sacrifice - not only of life's pleasures and possessions, but of life itself! Are you ready to make such sacrifice?

7. Then the last farewell words spoken. The last loving embrace was given. The last tender tears were shed. The sacrifice was ready. The surrender was compete. The knife was raised. Suddenly, a voice shouted from heaven:

Genesis 22:11,22 "Abraham! Lay not your ___ upon the lad! Now I know that you honor God seeing you have not ___ your only son from me."


8. God did provide Himself a lamb! Where was it and what was done unto it?

Genesis 22:13. A ram was caught in a ___. Abraham offered it in the ___ (place) of his son.

9. What great lesson was God teaching?

Romans 6:23. Like Isaac, you were bound to die. John 3:16. But God provided Jesus to die in your stead. Isaiah 53:3. He was wounded for ___ transgressions. John 1:29. He, the lamb of God, died on the altar of Calvary. As He cried on Calvary's altar , no voice said stop! No hand was help from taking that life. He made the supreme sacrifice. He made the supreme surrender. As you view His precious sacrifice, do you really love Him for making this surrender? ___



As you close this course, what does Jesus ask you?

Romans 12:1. Present yourself a loving __ to God. Today God requires you to accept the blood of Jesus, the Sabbath of Jesus and the baptism of Jesus. This means sacrifice. What is your sacrifice? Is it friends or family? Is it job or possession? Is it popularity or pleasure? Is it a church or tradition? Is it a man or a woman in your life? What is it? When you look at Calvary and Christ's sacrifice for you, is any sacrifice too big for you to make for Him?