Lesson 7


1. What question did the jailer ask and what answer did Paul give?

Acts 16: 3D, 31. "Sirs, what must I ___ to be saved? ___ the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. What question did a ruler ask and what answer did Jesus give? to have eternal life?

Matthew 19: 16, 17. "Master what shall I ___ to have eternal life? Keep the ___. Which answer is right? Do law and grace agree or disagree?


3. Let us examine this Law of Christ:

(I) Exodus 20: 3. Have no other ___ Love nothing above God (2) Exodus 20:4-6. Make and worship no graven ___. (3) Exodus 20: 7. Respect God's ___. Use it Reverently. (4) Exodus 20:8-11. Worship God on the ___ day. (5) Exodus 20: 12. Honor ___ and ___. Love them (6) Exodus 20:13 Do not ___ by deed word or thought. (7) Exodus 20:14 Do not commit ___. Sex is for marriage. (8) Exodus 20:15 Do not ___. God & men. (9) Exodus 20:17 Do not bear ___ witness, speak the truth. (10) Exodus 20:17, Do not ___. Be contented. Most people accept none, but reject one, the forth, why?


4. Some say say the Sabbath was nailed to the cross. Some sabbaths were abolished at Calvary, which were they?

Colossians 2:16,17. Let no man judge you in meat, drink, new moon ___ days, which are a ___ of things to come, but the body is of ___.

5. Before Christ the Body came, the ceremonial system was His shadow.

Leviticus 4: 32-35. A sinner brought a ___, confessed his sins ___ the animal. The priest officiated with the blood and the sinner was forgiven. In system there were certain yearly holidays (holy days) as the Day Atonement, Passover and Pentecost (See Lev. 23). These occurred once a year Leviticus like our 23: 27 32. Christmas The or yearly Easter. Day They of were called sabbaths. Leviticus 23:27,32. The yearly day of ___ was to be a sabbath ___.

6. When Jesus died, what happened to this ceremonial law?

Colossians 2:14, it was nailed to His ___. No more lamb! No more altar, for Calvary is the altar. No more priest, for Christ is Priest. No more candlestick, for Christ is the Light. No more yearly sabbaths like the Passover, for Christ is our Passover! The Ceremonial law with the yearly sabbaths was abolished; but the moral law with the weekly Sabbath stands forever.


7. What "All or None" principle does the Scripture teach?

James 2: 0,11. He who says, "Do not commit ___" is also saying, Do not ___. So if I accept one, I must accept all ten, If I reject one, I reject all ten! Is "Thou shalt not steal" still valid? ___ Is "Thou shalt not commit adultery" still true? ___ Is "Remember the Sabbath day" still binding? ___


8. Some say: Since we are saved by grace, we need no law. How only are men saved?

Galatians 3: 10. Those of the works of the law are under a ___. Ephesians 2:8, 9. "For by ___ are ye saved through faith"

9. When saved by the grace of Jesus do I obey the law of Jesus?

Romans 3: 31. Yes, we ___ the law. Hebrews 8: 10. "1 will put my laws into their ___ and ___ them in their ___." The thief becomes honest, for Christ has written on his heart, "Thou shalt not steal." The adulterer becomes pure for Christ has written on his mind, Thou shalt not commit adultery. The Sabbath-breaker becomes a Sabbath keeper, for Christ has written on his brain, "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy." So Law and Grace are united in Christ. And ""what God hath joined together let no man put asunder!"