Lesson 4


Thinking people everywhere are concerned about the end of this old world. The good news is; there's a new world coming!

1. Jesus made a precious promise. What is it?

John 14:1-3. I will ___ again. The signs today (Matthew 24 & Luke 21) says that HIs coming is very near.


2. This return of Jesus: will it be a secret rapture or will every person on earth see Him?

Matthew 24:27. It will be as visible as the ___! Revelation 1:7. Behold! ___ eye shall ___ Him! It is NOT a secret, spiritual coming; but a real, visible appearing in the clouds of heaven! Every eye shall see Him! Wouldn't you like to see Him? ___

3. How many will hear Him?

Matthew 24: 30, 31. The great ___ of a trumpet! All will hear! 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Even the dead shall hear and shall ___!


4. At His glorious appearing, what will happen to the dead in Christ?

At His glorious appearing, what will happen to the dead in Christ? 1 Thessalonians 4:16. For the ___ shall ___from heaven with a shout; the ___ in Christ shall ___ first. All righteous dead from Adam to the last mortal will rise again! What a great meeting that will be!

5. What will become of the righteous persons who live to see Him return?

1 Corinthians 15:51. They will be ___ in a moment! 1 Thessalonians 4:17. They will be ___ up together, to meet the Lord in the ___. All righteous, whether they had died or are still living, are then ready for the space trip to Heaven! Isn't that group in which you whish to be? ___

6. Meanwhile, what will become of the unrepentant persons who have lived to see Jesu return to earth?

2 Thessalonians 2:8. They will be ___ with the brightness of His coming. Instant Death! So all unrepentant person will then be dead! I'm sure that's nit the group in which you wish to be!

7. What then will become of Satan?

Revelation 20: 1 -3. He will be ___ for one ___ years! He'll be bound with a chain of circumstances. He has nobody to tempt; the righteous are all in heaven, alive. The wicked are all on earth, dead. That will be Satan's awful thousand year vacation! This period is called the Millennium.

8. Meanwhile, the redeemed will be having their vacation in heaven! How long will it last?

Revelation 20:4 I saw ___; they saved persons lived and ___ with Christ a ___ years. So while the wicked remain dead the redeemed are having a vacation of life, reigning with Jesus! Where will you spend your vacation? ___ But heaven is not to be our home forever. Matthew 5:5. The saved must inherit ___.


9. At the close of the thousand years, Christ and the redeemed will being the space trip back to earth! (Revelation 21:2). What will then happen to the dead?

Revelation 20:5. The rest of the ___ will then ___ again. This is the resurrection of the wicked! What a terrible scene that will be! All unpleasant sinners from Cain the first murderer down to earth's last rebel will stand before God!

10. What will be the final outcome of Satan and his people?

Revelation 20: 7-9. He is ___ out of his prison! He has people to tempt. He will go out to ___ the nations, to gather them to ___ against Christ and the redeemed who are in the beloved ___! Revelation 20:9,14,15. They will be destroyed by ___. That's eternal death! That fire purifies plant earth. (2 Peter 3:10).

11. What will be the joyous experience of Christ and the redeemed?

Revelation 21:1-4. A new heaven and a new ___! God will wipe away all ___. No more ___. Only life! Eternal!

12. Life biggest question: Whose side are you on, Christ's or Satan's? What is your choice?