Lesson 1


Life has many burdens. But the heaviest of them all is the guilt which comes for the wrongs we have done. Our hearts long to be free.

1. The Apostle Paul felt desperate! What was his cry?

Romans 7:24. O _______ man that I am! Who shall _____ me? Don't you fell like that sometimes?

2. What is the real cause of these guilt feelings?

Isaiah 59:2. Your____ have separated you from God; and your ____ have hid His face from you. The real canse of guilt is sin against God . That's why we all feel guilty for "all have sinned." Romans 3:23


3. What penalty should you pay for your sins?

Romans 6:23. The wages of sin is ___ Now that's not the ordinary death. That's eternal death!

4. But what wonderful exchange was made at Calvary?

Isaiah 53:5. (As you read this text take out the word "our" and put in the word "my") Christ was wounded for ___ transgressions; ___ was bruised for ___ iniquities; with ___ stripes, I am healed! That's the Good Newsl On the cross of calvary, Christ took your death, that you might have His Lifel Amazing Grace! Aren't you thankful to Jesus for dying for you?

5. How could you get freedom from guilt?

I Corinthians 15:57. Thanks be to God who gives us ___ through our Lord ___ Christ! IMPORTANT: Guilt comes from Sin and the penalty is Death. Since Jesus took that Death penalty, when you accept His Sacrifice you get instant freedom from Sin and Guilt!


6. But how do you accept Jesus? What is the first step?

John 3:16. God so loved you that He gave Jesus that if you ___ in Him, you'll have ___ life! Do you believe that Jesus died in your place? ___

7. What is your second step?

Acts 3:19 ___ ye therefore and be converted that your ___ may be blotted out. To repent means to be sincerely sorry for your sins which cause you guilt; sorry that those sins caused the suffering of Jesus; sorry enough to want to change your way of life. Are you so sorry? ___

8. What is the next step?

1 John 1:9. If you ___ your sins, He'll forgive. Sins must be confessed to God, for only He can give pardon.

9. If you wronged someone, should you also confess to that person?

James 5:16. Confess your ___ one to ___. Not only should you confess, you should also restore that which can be given back. Luke 19:8. Zacchaeus said; If I have taken anything from anyone falsely, I ___ him fourfold.

10. When in repentance, you confess to God, what will He do?

Micah 7:19. He will have ___ upon us. He will cast all our ___ into the ___ of the sea!

Friends of mine, it doesn't matter what wrong you have done, it doesn't matter how terrible your past has been; God stands ready to forgive you right now! If you will fall on your knees and in true repentance, confess your sins to Him. He'll pardon you. He'll treat you as if you've never sinned. He'll make you clean, and give new meaning to your life. And because you know He has forgiven you, you can forgive yourself. The result? FREEDOM!