Lesson 8

What is God's wish for you?

3 John 1:2. He wishes that you be in ___ prospering both physically and spiritually. What a caring God He is!

2. To stay healthy, He has given a three-fold guideline.

1 Corinthians 10:31.Whether you ___ or ___ or whatsoever you ___ do all to the glory of ___.


3. In the beginning what ideal diet di God give man?

Genesis 1:29. Every ___ bearing seed; every tree on which the ___; this is your food.

4. God pronounced certain creatures unclean. What are the identifying marks of clean land animals?

Leviticus 1l:3. They ___ the hoof and ___ the cud. So, for example, the cow and sheep are clean.

5. What animal loved by man is hated by God?

Leviticus 11:7, The ___ which divides the hoof but does ___ chew the cud; he is ___. The pig is a transmitter of Trichinosis.

6. What are the identification marks of edible water creatures?

Leviticus 11:9. They must have ___ and ___. Fishes without scales as the whale, shark and catish are unclean. Creatures with shells as crab, lobster, oyster, shrimp, hassar and turtle are not approved by God.

7. What symbol of life should not be used?

Leviticus 17:11,12. No soul shall eat ___ for the life is in the blood. So black-pudding and other foods made with blood are prohibited by our Creator.


8. What has God provided for drink?

Matthew 26:29. Drink the ___ of the vine. The juice of the fruit is God provision. Numbers 20:11. The ___ came out and the congregation ___. Thank God for Water! Drink six to eight glasses every day.

9. What has Satan invented to destroy man?

Proverbs 20:1. ___ is a mocker: ___ drink is raging. Alcohol is a killer. It impairs the stomach, heart, liver and brain. All alcoholic beverages: Beer, Stout, gin, Ale, Whiskey, etc. are damaging to health. Tea, Coffee and Cola drinks are stimulants and they too are unhealthful

10. Satan has invented another health hazard, What is it?

ANSWER: Tobacco - a slow and deadly poison. It damages the arteries, nerves, heart and lungs. Other weeds also, like Marijuana, ruin the body and the mind. Every puff is a breath of death. God wants you to have the breath of life.


11. How important is it to be happy?

Proverbs 17:22. A ___ heart does good like a ___. Many of today's sick bodies are the result of troubled minds. A happy mind fosters a healthy body.

12. With so many problems today, how can you have peace of mind?

Isaiah 26:3,4. Perfect peace comes when the ___ is stayed on God and ___ in God


13. What is the first reason for obeying these guidelines?

Isaiah 58:8. Thine ___ shall spring forth speedily,

14. What is a second and greater reason for caring for your body?

I Corinthians 6:19,20. Your body is not your ___. You are bought with a ___. And what's the price? I Peter 1: 18,19. redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.

15. I Peter 1: 18,19. redeemed with the precious blood of Christ?

I Corinthians 3:16,17. Christ wants your body to be the ___ of God the He may ___ in you.