Lesson 9


In these days of financial distress, everyone is trying to stretch the dollar.

1. In a time of famine, Elijah told the poor widow how to stretch her final meal. What was the secret formula?

1 Kings 17:12-15. Make God's prophet a little cake ___ and afterward make for ___ and thy son; the meal shall not waste, and the little oil shall not ___. And they did eat ___ days. God is still a God of miracles! In times of need He'll take care. But you must follow the formula; Give Him His portion first, no matter how little you have.

2. How much is God's portion?

Leviticus 27:30. All the ___ of the land. The Tithe! How much is this? Leviticus 27:32. The ___ shall be holy unto the Lord. So if you earn ten dollars, one dollar belongs to God, and nine are left with you. The one-tenth is called is called the Tithe. Now to the human eye, this looks like loss. but really it is a gain! The widow discovered that! And do can you! When you subtract and give God His, He adds to yours! When you divide and give him his, he multiplies yours.

3. What important lesson does God teach through the Tithe?

Haggai 2:8. The ___ and the ___ is the Lord's!. 1 Corinthians 4:2. You are a ___ and should be faithful. All you have and earn is God's, not yours. You simply hold it in trust, and must give account. In returning your Tithe, you are acknowledging His ownership on your stewardship.

4. How should the Tithe be used?

Numbers 18:20,21,24. In Old Testament times, the priest were to have no inheritance; the ___ of the Israelites was their inheritance. 1 Corinthians 9:13,14. In New Testament times the principle is the same. Those who preach the ___ should give full-time service, and be remunerated from the Tithe.

5. Did Jesus approve Tithe paying?

Matthew 23:23. He condemned the Pharisees for upholding Tithe and destroying faith. He said both of these should be ___. You cannot be saved by paying Tithe. You're saved by faith in Christ! When you are saved by the blood of Jesus, you will obey the law of Jesus which says, "Thou shall not steal from man or God!

6. What other token of love should you give?

Psalms 96:8. Bring an ___ and enter His courts.

7. What will be your unhappy experiences if you withhold your Tithe and offerings?

Malachi 3:8,9. You will ___ God, and will receive a ___. Matthew 25:30 As a unfaithful steward you will be cast into outer ___. And I know you don't want that!

8. What will be your happy experience when you return your Tithe and offerings?

Malachi 3:110. God will open the windows of ___ and pour out so much ___ there wouldn't be ___ enough to receive it!

9. Who is the greatest giver and who is the greatest gift?

John 3:16 ___ so loved, He ___ His son! 2 Corinthians 9:15. Thanks be to ___ for his unspeakable gift. O Calvary's Christ God's greatest gift!

10. In response to His greatest gift, what should be your greatest gift?

2 Corinthians 8:5. But ___ they gave their own ___ to the Lord.