Name ENJOY YOURSELF Everyone, everywhere wants to enjoy himself. There are always tow ways: Satan/s way and Christ's way. SATAN'S WAY How did Belshazzar choose to enjoy himself? Daniel 5:1 He made a great __for a thousand lords. It was a great party, a big dance in the royal dancehall. Answer 2. What is God's advice? 1 John 2:15 Love not the __ neither the __ of the world. If you love the world, you don't love the ___. Leave the dancehall and the devils parties with their satanic music and sex appeal. Answer, Answer 3. At the party with what were they intoxicated? Daniel 5.2. While the king tasted the ___, he desecrated the sacred vessels in his drunkenness. Under the influence of alcohol people make foolish decisions. Answer 4. What is God's warning? 1 Peter 5:8. Be ___ be ___ Satan is after you. Answer, Answer 5. Who accompanied the lords at this exotic dance? Daniel 5:3. The king with his princes, his ___ and his ___. This was an adulterous affair, men interacting with women to whom they were not married. Answer, Answer 6. What is God's command? Exodus 20:14. Thou shall not commit ___. Hebrews 13:4. Married is ___ and the bed ___. Avoid all pre-marital sex. Reject all extra-marital encounters. End all "common-law" partnerships, get married or end the affair!. Sexual relations are for married couples only. Answer, Answer, Answer 7. What gods did the drunken men and women worship? Daniel 5:4. They praised gods of __ and ___. Answer, Answer 8. What does God tell men about gold? James 5:2,3. Your ___ are corrupted, your ___ and silver is cankered. Don't let gold be your god. Answer, Answer 9. What does God tell women about gold? 1 Peter 3:3,4. The adornment should not be with the wearing of ___ or gaudy clothing but with the ornament of a __ and quiet spirit. Isaiah 3:18-24. Put away the tinkling ___ such as bracelets, earrings, and ___. Don't let gold be your God. Answer, Answer 10. What movie did the doomed king see? Daniel 5:5. Flingers of a man's ___ writing on the ___. Answer, Answer 11. What is the divine advice? Exodus 33:15. If God's presence goes not with you, don't go! Philippians 4:8. Think on these thins that are ___ and ___. Answer, Answer CHRIST'S WAY 12. There was another feast. Whose celebration was it? John 2:2. There was a ___ in Cana, and both ___ and His disciples were invited. Jesus attended that party as a special guest. Christ wants you to enjoy yourself HIs way. Answer, Answer 13. Women were there. Who were they? John 2:1. A pure young woman, the bride and a pure old women, the ___ of Jesus. Answer 14. Wine was there. Who made it? John 2:7-9. ___ turned the water into ___. He turned their sorrow into joy; their sadness to gladness. Answer, Answer WHICH WAY? 15. There are two ways to enjoy yourself. Matthew 7:13,14. The __ way of Satan, which leads to ___, and the ___ way of Jesus, which leads to ___. Which way do you choose? Answer, Answer, Answer, Answer Check Below I believe in Jesus Christ, the Way. I reject Satan and his sinful way of Death I accept Jesus and His righteous way of life. Submit Related Information Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12