Lesson 3


Everyone, everywhere wants to enjoy himself. There are always tow ways: Satan/s way and Christ's way.


How did Belshazzar choose to enjoy himself?

Daniel 5:1 He made a great __for a thousand lords. It was a great party, a big dance in the royal dancehall.

2. What is God's advice?

1 John 2:15 Love not the __ neither the __ of the world. If you love the world, you don't love the ___. Leave the dancehall and the devils parties with their satanic music and sex appeal.

3. At the party with what were they intoxicated?

Daniel 5.2. While the king tasted the ___, he desecrated the sacred vessels in his drunkenness. Under the influence of alcohol people make foolish decisions.

4. What is God's warning?

1 Peter 5:8. Be ___ be ___ Satan is after you.

5. Who accompanied the lords at this exotic dance?

Daniel 5:3. The king with his princes, his ___ and his ___. This was an adulterous affair, men interacting with women to whom they were not married.

6. What is God's command?

Exodus 20:14. Thou shall not commit ___. Hebrews 13:4. Married is ___ and the bed ___. Avoid all pre-marital sex. Reject all extra-marital encounters. End all "common-law" partnerships, get married or end the affair!. Sexual relations are for married couples only.

7. What gods did the drunken men and women worship?

Daniel 5:4. They praised gods of __ and ___.

8. What does God tell men about gold?

James 5:2,3. Your ___ are corrupted, your ___ and silver is cankered. Don't let gold be your god.

9. What does God tell women about gold?

1 Peter 3:3,4. The adornment should not be with the wearing of ___ or gaudy clothing but with the ornament of a __ and quiet spirit. Isaiah 3:18-24. Put away the tinkling ___ such as bracelets, earrings, and ___. Don't let gold be your God.

10. What movie did the doomed king see?

Daniel 5:5. Flingers of a man's ___ writing on the ___.

11. What is the divine advice?

Exodus 33:15. If God's presence goes not with you, don't go! Philippians 4:8. Think on these thins that are ___ and ___.


12. There was another feast. Whose celebration was it?

John 2:2. There was a ___ in Cana, and both ___ and His disciples were invited. Jesus attended that party as a special guest. Christ wants you to enjoy yourself HIs way.

13. Women were there. Who were they?

John 2:1. A pure young woman, the bride and a pure old women, the ___ of Jesus.

14. Wine was there. Who made it?

John 2:7-9. ___ turned the water into ___. He turned their sorrow into joy; their sadness to gladness.


15. There are two ways to enjoy yourself.

Matthew 7:13,14. The __ way of Satan, which leads to ___, and the ___ way of Jesus, which leads to ___. Which way do you choose?