Name HERE IS WATER Water is a need of life - physical life and spiritual life NECESSITY 1. What did Jesus say about the necessity of water? John 3:5. “Except you be born of ___ and of the ___ you enter the kingdom of God.” to be born of the Spirit is Conversion. To be born of the water is Baptism. Conversion inside: Baptism Outside. Mark 16:16. “He that ___ and is ___ shall be ___. Answer, Answer, Answer, Answer, Answer 2. What is the three-fold meaning of Baptism? Romans 6:3,4. Baptized into the ___; we are ___ with Him; as Christ was ___ up, so we should walk in of life. Baptism typifies Christ’s Death, Burial and Resurrection. It symbolizes the Believer’s Death to sin, Burial of the old life, and Resurrection to a New Life in Christ. Babies, therefore, cannot rightly baptized. The Believer should be old enough to experience Conversion inside before Baptism outside. Answer, Answer, Answer 3. What, therefore is the Bible method of Baptism? Acts 8: 38,39. They went ___ both ___ the water, and they came ___ out of the ___. Baptism must be by Immersion being covered with water. Answer, Answer, Answer, Answer 4. The eunuch was anxious. What question did he ask? Acts 8: 36. “See, here is ___! What doth ___ me to be ___? Some people are not anxious. They allow things and other people to hinder them. Let us examine some hinderances. Answer, Answer, Answer HINDRANCES 5. When husband or wife hinders baptism, what does Jesus say? Matthew 10:34-39. It wouldn’t be always peace, but a ___. But even if you lose your life, you’ll ___ it. Acts 5:29 you ought to obey ___ rather than. Answer, Answer, Answer 6. When parents hinder, what does God promise? Psalms 27:10. When parents forsake, the ___ provides. Answer 7. When the job hinders baptism, what does Jesus promise? Matthew 6:31-33. Take no anxious thought. Seek ___ the kingdom of God and all these things shall be ___. Answer, Answer 8. When popularity hinders, what does Christ point out? Matthew 7:13, 14. On the board way to destruction ___ go in, but the narrow way to life ___ even find it. Answer, Answer 9. When tradition hinders what does your Lord say? Acts 17:30. When people were ignorant, God ___ but now He commands ___ men to ___. Answer, Answer, Answer 10. When the church hinders your baptism what does Jesus say? Mark 7:7. “In ___ do they worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of ___ .” Answer, Answer 11. When delay hinders you baptism what does Christ say? 2 Corinthians 6:2. “behold, ___ is the day Salvation”. Hebrews 3: 7,8 “ ___ if you hear my voice, ___ not you heat.” Answer, Answer, Answer EXAMPLES 12. At Pentecost how urgently were believers baptized? Acts 2:42. They who received the Word were ___ on the ___ day. Don’t delay! Answer, Answer 13. When the jailor became a believer, how urgently was he baptized? Acts 16: 31, 33. The ___ hour of the ___ he washes their stripes and was ___, he and his family. Answer, Answer, Answer 14. Jesus did not need baptism, but what examples did He leave for you? Matthew 3: 13-17. And Jesus, when He was ___, saw the Spirit of God like a ___, and heard a voice saying, “I am well pleased.’ “I will follow Thee my Saviour wheresoever my lot may be, Where Thou goest I will follow; yes. My Lord, I’ll follow Thee.” Answer, Answer Checkboxes I believe in believer's baptism. I will follow Jesus into the water right away. Submit Related Information Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 11 Lesson 12