Lesson 6


One of our big question today is; who changed Christ's Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday?


1. Did God the Father change the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day?

Malachi 3:6. "I am the Lord, I ___ not." So God the Father didn't change it!

2. Did Jesus Christ the Son change it?

Matthew 5:17, 18. Do not think that I am come to destroy the ___ or the ___. I am not come to ___ but to fulfil. Luke 4:16. The ___ of Jesus was to keep the Sabbath. So Christ the Son wouldn't change it.

3. Did Christ's disciples change it ?

Luke 23:56. After Christ's death, the disciples ___ on the Sabbath according to the ___. John 20: 19. On the Resurrection Sunday they did assemble. Why? It was not for worship, but for ___ of the Jews. So the disciples couldn't change it!

4. Did the Apostle Paul change it?

Acts 20: 7. He held one Sunday meeting. But it was a farewell meeting for he was ready to ___ on the ___. I Corinthians 16:2. Once he called for a Jerusalem donation. Each person was to lay ___ in store (that is, put aside at home), that there be ___ gathering when he came. Rather than change it, the apostles Paul kept every Sabbath!. Acts 17:2. Paul, as his ___ went to church and preached three ___ days. The Son wouldn't! The Apostles couldn't! Who did it?


5. In ancient times the heathen worshipped the sun. When Israel became apostate, they followed the pagans in sun worship.

2 Kings 23:5.11. They burnt incense to the sun and dedicated horses and chariots to the ___ . In Greco-Roman times, the day dedicated to the sun was named Sunday.

6. How did Sunday Worship grow within the early Christian church?

ANSWER: Afer Christ's Resurrection, some Christians began observing a first day festival in addition to the seventh day Sabbath. In the fourth century, Emperor Constantine embraced the Christian Faith mixing Paganism with Christianity. He enjoined the worship of the Christian's Christ, The SON, on the heathen day of the SUN. He issued the first Sunday law; March 7, 321 AD. In the fifh century when the Emperor of Rome disappeared, the Pontiff of Rome appeared and reinforced Sunday observance. During succeeding centuries, the Church of Rome consolidated Sunday Worship.

7. Do Roman Catholic authorities admit responsibility?

(1) Question: What day was the Sabbath. Answer: Saturday. (2) Who changed it? Answer: The Catholic Church. - Rev. Dr. Butler, Catechism. Revised, p.57


8. In Revelation Rome is pictured as a Beast enforcing its mark of Sunday worship upon all men.

Revelation 13:8,6. People will worship it and receive its ___ in their hand (action) and ___ (decision).

9. Revelation 5:6. But Christ is pictured as a?

___ Revelation 7:3. He has a seal. Ezekiel 20: 2. Christ's seal or sign is the ___.

10. The Issue is: Will you worship the Beast, Rome, on the first day, or will you worship, the Lamb, Jesus, on the seventh day?