Name RESTING IN JESUS In this world of restlessness, Jesus' words sound like music, "Come unto Me, and I will give you rest." DAY OF TEST 1, At creation which was God's day of rest? Genesis 2: 1-3. On the ___ day, God ended His work; He ___ on the seventh day. Answer, Answer 2. Therefore which should be our day of rest? Exodus 20:8-11. Remember the ___ day to keep it holy. The ___ day is the sabbath. Answer, Answer 3. Was the Sabbath for the Jews or for all mankind? Mark 2:27-28. The Sabbath was made for ___. It was not made at Sinai for Moses and the Jews, it was made for Adam and the whole human race.. Answer 4. How complete should be the Sabbath rest? Exodus 20: 10. Thou shalt not do any ___. Isaiah 58:13,14. Refrain from finding your own ___ or even speaking your own ___. Forget about the job, school, business, cares and problems. Give your mind a weekly holiday. Answer, Answer, Answer WHICH DAY? 5. Which day of our week is God's Seventh day? Answer: Let us examine the Easter weekend. Crucifixion Day: We call it Good Friday. Luke 23:54. Bible calls it the ___ day. Rest day: We call it Saturday. Luke 23:56. Bible calls it the ___ day. Resurrection Day; we call it the ___ day. Resurrection Day: we call it Easter Sunday. Luke 24:1. Bible calls it ___ day of the week. God's Sabbath is the day between Christ's crucifixion and His resurrection. Answer, Answer, Answer 6. When does the Sabbath begin and end? Genesis 1:5. The ___ comes before the morning. Mark 1:32. Evening starts when the sun ___. Each day begins at evening, and evening starts at sunset. So Sabbath starts Friday sunset and ends at Saturday sunset. Answer, Answer HOW TO REST 7. How should the Sabbath be kept? (1). Friday is the Preparation day All marketing, shopping, housecleaning, washing, ironing, baking and food preparation (as much as possible) should be completed on that day. However, food can be completed or heated on the Sabbath day. (Mark 15:42) (2), After a bath and clothing change, begin the Sabbath with family or personal worship. Begin and close each Sabbath with song, Bible study and prayer. (psalms 92:1,2) (3). On Christ's day leave your "own ways". Rest from the job, school, and business transactions. Put away radio and television programmes, secular books and magazines, and newspapers. You also leave your "own pleasure" Rest from all games and other social activities. (Isaiah 58: 13) (4). True Sabbath keeping also involves not speaking your "own WORDS" or thinking your own THOUGHTS." These should be of Jesus. (Isaiah 58:13) (5). Instead, spend time with your family; study God's nature, visit the sick, needy and lonely; and study the Bible with others. (6). Sickness or acute emergency should be taken care of on the Sabbath. (Matthew 12:10-13) (7). It is a day for worship. Go to church and praise God. (Acts 18:4) RESTING IN JESUS 8. Jesus gives rest. Did He rest on the Sabbath? Luke 4:16. As His ___ was, He worshipped on the ___ day. Answer, Answer 9. When Jesus gives you rest from sin, you experience His rest of the Sabbath. Hebrew 4:3,4,10. We who believe into Christ's ___ and so rest on the ___ day. The Test of the Sabbath is a sign of the rest from sin and the rest in our savior. Answer, Answer Check Below I believe the Saturday, the seventh day, is God's day of rest. I will rest on Christ's Sabbath. I will rest in Christ's salvation. Submit Related Information Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12